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European Union, Disinformation, and Fake News Project

Launched in 2019, the Jean Monnet Chair on “European Union, Disinformation and Fake News” addresses the pervasive issues of disinformation and fake news through the dual lenses of journalism and science. These fields are pivotal as they both aim to uncover and publicize the truth, making them fundamental tools in the fight against malicious news with a particular focus on the European Union context.

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Foundations and Methodologies

Journalism and science represent cornerstone elements of European cultural achievement, uniquely characterized by their shared goal of truth-seeking. Unlike other cultures, which have excelled in religious, literary, architectural, artistic, or philosophical domains, European culture distinctively developed the scientific method and journalism. These disciplines not only aim to discover the truth but also apply rigorous methods such as fact-checking, which is crucial in this project.

TV Interview

Scope and Funding

This comprehensive project, supported by a significant grant from the European Commission’s Education, Audiovisual, and Cultural Executive Agency, spans an 11-year period from 2019 to 2030. It integrates various strategic activities designed to combat fake news and misinformation across the European Union:

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Research Initiatives

In-depth studies aimed at understanding the dynamics and impact of disinformation.

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Discovery and Disclosure:

Active identification and exposure of misinformation in both new and traditional media channels.

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Teaching and Learning

Educational programs and workshops designed to equip stakeholders with the necessary skills to identify and counteract fake news.

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Project ID and Funding:

Supported under the grant number 610538-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPJMO, ensuring robust backing for achieving its objectives.

the team

The Team

The project is led by Professor Dr. Carlos Elias, a distinguished science journalist and academic. It assembles a team of experts with extensive experience in relevant fields such as journalism, political science, and media research. This diverse group of team members is instrumental in implementing the project’s research agenda, bringing together unique perspectives from different walks of life.

Project Outcomes

Essay books

Science on the Ropes Decline of Scientific Culture in the Era of Fake News

C. Elías | Springer-Nature

Educational books

Scientific papers and book chapters

Investigación sobre comunicación en COVID-19 y principales hallazgos

D. Catalán-Matamoros, A. Langbecker, C. Elías
| Revista Espanola de Comunicacion en Salud, 67-77. 2024

La influencia de Facebook y sus cambios de algoritmos en el periodismo y las fake news

D. González Moreno, C. Elías | Ámbitos: Revista Internacional de Comunicación, 63, 100-125. 2024

Can we detect bias in political fact-checking? Evidence from a Spanish case study

A. Fernández-Roldán, C. Elías, C. Santiago-Caballero, D. Teira | Journalism practice, 1-19. 2023

Consumption of information and citizen’s perception of the sources consulted during the Covid-19 pandemic

A. Quian, CJE. Pérez, XS. Pérez
El profesional de la información 32 (4). 2023

El periodismo como herramienta contra las" fake news"

C. Elías Pérez | Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Editorial 11. 2021

Comunicar Europa en tiempos de pandemia sanitaria y desinformativa: Periodismo paneuropeo frente a la crisis

JT. Navarro, C. Elías | Europa en tiempos de desinformación y pandemia: periodismo y política… 2021

Vaccine hesitancy in the age of coronavirus and fake news: analysis of journalistic sources in the Spanish quality press

D. Catalan-Matamoros, C. Elías | International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (21), 8136. 2020

La desinformación en la UE en tiempos del Covid 19

C Luena Lopez, JC Sánchez Illán, CJ Elías Pérez
Tirant Lo Blanch, SL

Daily podcasts: the challenge of producing journalistic audio content beyond the radio

P. Martínez-Graña, C. Elías, X. Soengas-Pérez | Blurring Boundaries of Journalism in Digital Media: New Actors, Models and... 2023

Corporate social responsibility and public diplomacy as formulas to reduce hate speech on social media in the fake news era

I. Doncel-Martín, D. Catalan-Matamoros, C. Elías | Corporate Communications: An International Journal 28 (2), 340-352. 2023

The role of the western universities (and cultural studies) in the growth of fake news and alternative facts

C. Elías | Disinformation and fact-checking in contemporary society, 275-292. 2023

Big data and disinformation: Algorithm mapping for fact checking and artificial intelligence

D. García-Marín, C. Elías, X. Soengas-Pérez | Total Journalism: Models, Techniques and Challenges, 123-135. 2022

El periodismo, un invento europeo de búsqueda y publicación de la verdad

C. Elías | EN LOS TIEMPOS DEL COVID-19, 87. 2021

Ciencia, periodismo y divulgación como herramienta contra la desinformación y las" fake news"

C. Elías | Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad-CTS 16 (Esp. 46), 7-9. 2021

Coronavirus in Spain: Fear of ‘official’ fake news boosts WhatsApp and alternative sources

C. Elías, D. Catalan-Matamoros | Media and Communication 8 (2), 462-466. 2020

Coronavirus in Spain: Fear of" official" fake news boosts WhatsApp and alternative sources

C. Elías Pérez, D. Catalán-Matamoros | Cogitatio Press. 2020

La cobertura informativa de los antibióticos y las resistencias antimicrobianas en los medios de comunicación occidentales

D. Catalan-Matamoros, C. Elías | ¿Por qué la comunicación en salud es importante?: Avances e investigación, 16. 2019

What we know about media communication on antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance: a systematic review of the scientific literature

D. Catalán-Matamoros, A. Pariente, C. Elías-Pérez | 
Patient education and counseling 102 (8), 1427-1438. 2019

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