The Future of European Communication
in the Face of the Disinformation Pandemic
This Jean Monnet ad personam Chair will address some of the practical implications of EU communication in the current disinformation pandemic context. At global, European and national levels, the chair, through this project is designed to introduce participants to the theory and practice of EU Public Diplomacy, Next Generation Recovery Funds communication, and countering internal and external disinformation. It will provide in-depth practical and theoretical knowledge on Disinformation and fake news; EU communication; the EU facing hybrid strategies (Brexit, EU elections, pandemic and recovery funds case studies); and the current/future context of Horizon Europe 2030.
Scope and
The project is part of a European Chair funded by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), belonging to the European Commission with ID reference 101083334-JMO-2022-CHAIR. Spanning a period of three years (2022-2025), the project is marked by a wide range of activities crucial for achieving its objectives. Beyond conducting and communicating research, the project also includes a teaching component where courses on related subjects are provided. These courses equip participants with the relevant knowledge and technical know-how to combat disinformation in their spheres.
The Team
The project is led by Jorge Tuñón, a full professor at the UC3M MediaLab research group. It unites researchers from ten universities across Europe and America, who study Disinformation and European Studies through the interdisciplinary lenses of Journalism, Communication, and Politics. The team includes: